I don't know, this is sort of random, but I had a few pics of Brooklyn and decided I'd throw them up here and see what came out of my fingers. She really is such a good girl, but she can be QUITE dramatical (always has been) and that can get on my nerves. So, then I feel bad that I get bugged, it's such a dumb circle of emotions. But, as I said, she's a good girl, she's funny and smart and helpful and did I mention funny? She loves to help with Max, whether it's feeding him, making him happy or holding him. I'm so glad that she's here to be Maggies big sister, even if Maggie IS a bully and likes to hit her and yell at her. I'm so grateful that I've been able to see her literally grow up from birth to nearly 3 years old. Our house wouldn't feel the same without her here.
How sweet is this little shot of Brooklyn and her Maxi? The best is when she calls him Bubbers and tries to get him to smile.
This morning as I was holding Max and he was going to sleep, the girls were both on the floor at my feet looking at books. I know right? When do such precious moments happen? Happily content children all around, no fighting, no crying, just sweetness. Anyway, Brooklyn stood up and I see this happening with her hair. I told her to FREEZE, 'cause I had to put Max in bed, grab the camera and capture this totally random hair moment. It just cracked me up that a strand of hair could curl so perfectly around her eye. She looked like the pokey little puppy.
This is right now, naptime and chez Van Patten. Max and Brooklyn get to share the space, and luckily, she sleeps through his crying most of the time.
And finally, I ask you....is there EVER a sweeter picture than this? I mean seriously, sleeping children are just the most adorable things EVER, then you add in that she had her little hands in prayer position, SHUT UP! So, I leave you with this pleasant little pic and happy thoughts.
We love you Brooklyn, thanks for being a part of our family too. Ok, that reminds me of a little story. The other day Brooklyn and I were back in Maggies room and she starts saying, "where is my other daddy?" And she asked it a couple of times, so I said, "You have another daddy?" And she said yes she did. So, when I asked her who this other daddy was, she said "It's Jere, he's my other Daddy." How cute can you be. Oh, and I also wanted to mention that she has the funniest vocabulary of her own. Like, she always says, "Oh, I forleft this here yesterday." Like if she'd left her coat or something. She has others, but I forget them at this moment, must be my addled brain. Nonetheless, I AM shutting up now.
Sleeping kids and allergies,