Sunday night, November 8 was going along normally as could be, until the phone rang. It was Lana...she informed me that I would be being kidnapped the following Saturday, so here was my heads up to make sure I wasn't busy and had babysitting procured. That's all that was said...a very quick and non-informative phone call. Why then, after hanging up with her did I just start bawling? My sis-in-law Julie couldn't figure it out. I couldn't put my finger on it totally. All I knew was, at those words: "You're being kidnapped by all of us girls..." I felt slightly sad. As if I truly was the tragic charity case of this family after all. I had NO idea what was planned, though I speculated perhaps a day of pedis and fun hanging out with the girls. Anyway, after my initial cry fest, I got over it and moved on. I couldn't dwell on it, or think about it, 'cause I might get emotional.Saturday came, we all met up at my Moms house (minus Jodi, she couldn't be there) and I still had no idea what the plan was. The girls were all whispering in the foyer as I walked by. I said "do you need me to leave?" They responded..."no. Ok, here is what today is. It's not what NOT to wear, it's what you're gonna wear next." We are taking you to all these stores and buying you new clothes." Enter stunned silence from me, and then some smart remark about how bad I must look and then we were off.We went to The Avenue, really one of my favorite fat chick stores. They have awesome sales and bargains. It was so fun to wander through and pick stuff out. Everyone was grabbing things for me to try on, and you know everyone has different taste. But hey, at this point, I was willing to try on anything, 'cause this was fun. The first thing they made/convinced me to get was a pair of rather sassy, metallic bronze slides. Lana got herself a pair too. Sooooo NOT my style, but as mentioned in a previous post, I don't really have shoes or shoe style, so who was I to fight the pros? Ok, so after literally picking up half the store, we ALL fit into the big dressing room on the end and I proceeded to bless the ladies in all my half naked glory. I tried on shirt after shirt after shirt, and pants and sweaters. Everyone was soooo fun, and complimentary and funny and kind. When that was said and done, we headed out to pay. Except the jewelry reached out and grabbed us all. Lana got a pair of sunglasses for .97 cents, and then Dixie, Jenny and I all bought the same necklace (Jenny bought like 4 necklaces, but who is counting?). At the point where they were paying, I felt a BIT awkward so I wandered to the front of the store and stumbled upon the CUTEST sweater EVER! I pulled it off the manequin, as it was the last of its kind. I walked up front to the ladies and it was determined I MUST have it. So, 7 shirts, a pair of jeans, 2 sweaters, a necklace and a pair of shoes later we left that store. After that we went to Kohls where 2 more pair of pants were bought. Then on to DressBarn, where Lana says she has a moral objection to shopping because BARN is in the title. However, I got the most GORGEOUS dress EVER! I have not been this excited about a dress in a long, LONG time. Dresses are hard to find, most especially that have sleeves. Oh my gosh, it's sooooo pretty. Squeee!All in all, it was a LONG afternoon (keep in mind, I am NOT a shopper) of shopping, trying on, walking, visiting, laughing, and having fun. It truly was a PERFECT day. I was with my favorite women in the world, I was being given a most incredible gift and it was awesome! Throughout the day I was very UNemotional about it all, and I know that was because if I thought about it, or let myself, I would have cried the whole time. Instead, I had a blast, and then cried later.Why was I crying?
Because THESE women are the GREATEST, most loving and giving people on the planet. I could really devote a whole post about Lana and all she does/has done for me in the "giving" department. Or on all of them for that matter. As a small sidenote, I rather hate this pic of me, so just try and look at all the other pretties around me. Why was I crying? Because these women gave so selflessly of their time, their money and of their heart to make ME feel better. I could not ask for anything more.
So, what does one even say after being treated so lovingly to an afternoon like this? How do you even BEGIN to thank them properly? Nothing seems like enough. Words certainly aren't enough. I'm including the little e-mail thank you that I lamely attempted, just to try to somehow convey my gratitude and love.
Dear all of you (the greatest sisters, in-law and mother in the world),
(clearing throat) I sit here and truly don't even know where to begin, or what to say. Because, Thank you, does not seem even remotely enough in a moment like this. When Lana called me last Sunday and told me I would be being kidnapped on Saturday, I took it in, told her ok and then we hung up. After hanging up, I just started crying, crying and crying. Julie could not figure out what I had to cry about, since all I said was you all were kidnapping me. But for me, I just felt overwhelmed and a little "sad" that I am a charity case. Now, I know full well that that is NOT how you feel or looked at it. And then it makes me more emotional, because I know it is something that came out of a place of pure love and sisterhood. You all WANT me to be happy and to feel good, and I can NEVer, NEVER thank you enough for loving me so wholly and completely. Anyway, I got over the cry and then just put it out of my mind and accepted whatever it was that was coming my way.
Saturday came and I had NO IDEA what it was that we'd be doing. I thought maybe we were going to get pedicures and just have some sister time hanging out. I never in a million years dreamed that I would be treated to a whole new wardrobe. If I seemed at all detached or ungrateful, I'm super sorry. I was just trying to stand outside of the situation and accept that it was happening to me. But I want you all to know, I am SO happy, and soooooooooooooooooo grateful for what you did. Not only because you were so desirous to do something nice for me, but for giving up your own precious resources, your PRECIOUS time and sharing your excitement. Even if I hadn't got any clothes, I just love spending time with each of you so much that that was worth it in and of itself. (i'm sort of crying like a spaz right now, it's ridiculous) You will never know the depth of my thankfullness. But please, PLEASE know that I am so thankful and that I love you all with all my heart. I am truly the luckiest and most blessed girl in the entire world to be a part of a family that is so loving, caring and giving! Shoot, I'm blessed to be part of a family at all. I only hope that someday (please someday) I will have the opportunity to return this favor to each of you.
I wore the white shirt with my dressy black skirt today and I got so many compliments on how great I looked. And I know that each time I pull out any of these clothes and feel sassy in what I'm wearing, I will also get to have a moment of happy just thinking of our great Saturday together. Thank you for making me feel loved and cared for, thank you for worrying about me and always thinking of me. But mostly, thanks for making me look oh so good!!!!
I love you all so much!
See, Thank You is not NEARLY enough!