Believe it or not people, Jere and I will be married TEN years in April. TEN YEARS! And we've been together for THIRTEEN. Now to some of you, that may seem like no big thing. To others, they may be shaking their head in wonderment. And to those who bet he'd never last....guess you have to pay up now. hahahahahaha
Anyway......all Jere REALLY wanted to do for our 10 year Anniversary was go to New York. We love New York, we've been a few times together, and it's just such a wonderful place to go, and see and do. But alas, that was most certainly NOT in the budget.
So, his second choice was....and I use his words "all I want to do then is to go to Conference (General Conference is a semi-annual conference held every October and April for our church) and sit in the conference center. But instead..............he got me this:
SURPRISE! A brand new baby MVP coming to our family in April 2012. JUST in time for Conference AND our 10 year anniversary. And, it sneaks in just under my strongly imposed deadline of "I WILL NOT BE HAVING BABIES WHEN I'M 40 YEARS OLD." I will just barely be 39. Thankyouverymuch.
He really is thrilled beyond words, because somehow this affirms his manhood. Oh, and also, he's felt for a long time there was one more kiddo for us to have. I am happy, and excited, but I'm not gonna lie. SCARED! I swear I feel like I've never had a baby before. Will I remember everything to do? And holy crap, we have to start buying diapers again, those are really expensive. And formula, and where the heck is all my baby stuff? Where will I put this baby? How about it's clothes and supplies? All logistics to be worked out. And the worrier in me sometimes gets the best of me.
I've been rather blech and sicky this time around which frankly is new for me. With Maggie, I was never sick a day. In fact, I LOVED being pregnant with her. I was cute, and active and never felt fat and gross. With Max, I felt like I got huge in like a day, my butt and hips spread to kingdom come, and though I wasn't ever really sick, I felt kinda yucky whenever I would eat. This time...YIKES! I have spent a good portion of the first 12 weeks laying in bed, going to bed early, moaning, sleeping, whatever. I just feel YUCK and TIRED! Ok fine, the last week has been somewhat better. I realllllly wanted to try and stay on my weight program, because I'm TERRIFIED of gaining back the 60 lbs. I'd lost, and I thought I could do it until one day I woke up and the very smell of the food made me want to vomit. Every time Jere or Julie make something from the program, I have to leave the room, or mouth breathe for an hour because the smell makes me so sick. Needless to say, I pretty much just eat what doesn't make me want to vomit. Sadly, some days this does not include much in the way of protein, or anything all that healthy. Hopefully this will change SOON! My butt is not thanking me, as I feel HUGE and fat.
Anyway........good times around here at Casa VP.
Quick story. The other day the kids and I were going to meet my parents to pick up a TOTALLY fabulous and gorgeous dresser which I just inherited from my dead Grandpa. I will fully fill you in and show pictures later, because it's just THAT fabulous. Anyway.....we're on our way and Maggie said, "Why do we have to get a new dresser?" I hemmed for a second and then said..."Well, you know, in CASE we have a new baby or something, I'll need somewhere to put its clothes."
"Well, WHEN are you having a new baby?"
"Ummm, in April."
"When is April?"
"Six months from now?"
"Hmmm, THAT'S when I'm gonna marry Justin Bieber."
That girl cracks me up.
This has been the HARDEST secret to keep. Good thing too because when Gramma Peg came over the other night we showed her the dresser and she asked what it was for and Miss. Priss piped up, "It's for the new baby," to which I just started laughing and her reaction was priceless. Then Jer says, "Well, I guess the cat's outta the bag now." And now, you're all in the know with me.
Big hips and baby bellies,
Update: Went to first Dr. Appt. today. There was a momentary thought that perhaps I was a month further along than thought, OR there might be more than one baby in me. THANK GOODNESS, there is only one wee one growing in me. All is well, it's growing perfectly. The ultrasound tech didn't want to committ, but she thought it could be a girl. Woo hoo!
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
3 days ago
Best surprise ever! Congrats. So happy for you too. You are such a great mom that adding a third will be a piece of cake for you.
You know I'm right there with you in this "sorrow in our conception" misery...but you know I am so very happy for you. I have the same "I will not have babies after 40 deadline"...we'll see how that goes after this one is born.
Anyway....CONGRATS to the VPs! I luff Hugh Ethel!
Oh wow, that is a huge surprise! For some reason I thought you guys were done?! Don't know where I got that. Anyway, HUGE congratulations, and that story from Maggie with the Justin Beiber punch line was just too much!
CONGRATS!!!! What a fun surprise!! A wedding!! LOL! Can we come to the Justin Bieber wedding too?!?!? How nice that you won't be pregnant in the summertime! Good planning!!
I am absolutely thrilled my friend. Congrats!
I can't believe you kept that secret!!
And now you don't have to worry about where to put the baby because I'm assuming when Maggie marries Justin they will move into a place together.
Such awesome news all around. Hope you start feeling better soon. I eat nothing but carbs my entire first trimester. Don't feel bad. You have to eat what will stay down.
Sorry for the sickies, but otherwise... CONGRATULATIONS!!
What exciting news (and such wonderful timing as she should be born before the weather hits the extreme highs once again, right?)! :D
Awesome wonder! This is explains the lack of blogging of late, doesn't it? You are awesome as is Jere. Thank you for sharing the news with your blogging friends.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing!
ava made me sick sick sick....and she was my third. after a girl and a boy. i'm just saying that you might need to prepare for a gremlin ;) i'm so glad you've gone public with your news!!! and SO glad it's just one because could you EVEN imagine twins???? although it would make for some fabulous blog fodder because you'd have all kinds of craziness going on at your house. Congrats to you and WAY TO GO jere!!!
Wow! So exciting, and what a surprise! I kinda hate it when people take pics of the peed on stick, but I'll forgive you this time. :) Maybe you can get away to Cedar City when baby is three or four months for your anniversary???
Congrats! Get that last one in before the big 4-0...
Yay!! I am so happy for you and your sweet little family! Congratulations!!!
wow congrats!!! cheers to a great anniversary gift!!
That is SO GREAT!!! Congratulations to all of you! Tell Jere he is the dude! :-) Hope you're feeling ok? I'm excited to tell Addie. I'm going to show her your blog right now, she how long it takes for her to scream. I'll let you know!
1st of all, this is Addie, not my mom. Just wanted to clear that up. Secondly Oh my gosh!!! That is SO terrific!! Is it a girl or a boy? Oh well, at least now I know that I get to babysit another Van Patten!!!!
congrats!!! I am so happy for you... I can't wait to find out if it's a boy/girl!! Navi will be so jealous if Maggie gets a sister/ haha
Congrats! And since you two only seem to make cute babies I can't wait to see the new model.
I had that same 40 deadline and I just barely got Ham here a month before I turned 40.
How on earth have you kept a secret for this long???I am SOOOO impressed!! Congratulations you fabulous MVPs,you!!!!!
AAAAAAAAA!!!!! I am so excited!!! well,you will be beating me! there's no way baby #3 will be here before i am 40.but this isn't about me.
I cannot wait to see baby 3!
::jumping up and down:: Congratulations my friend! I'm so excited for you and your growing family!!
Keep those ultrasound pics coming...I love seeing them ;)
congrats, congrats, congrats!
Very exciting! Congrats!
what???? that is awesome. CONGRATS to you and your cute family!!
THAT IS SO TOTALLY AWESOME! (i yelled that) I am so thrilled for you guys! Congratulations!
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