Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Whilst I SHOULD be working on stuff for workshop, I'm here, doing this. I did break out some solos, but now I need to assign them, and then type of wordsheets, and print them out and just get stuff done. Ugh! I HATE this part of the process. I LOVE workshop, and I LOVE the final product, the getting there is hell at times.

But let me just be perfectly honest here, I happen to have some other cute pics of Maggie, and I just feel like posting them. I think this is my favorite aspect of this blogger thing, the ease of putting up pictures. Speaking of Maggie, she did just eat two hole punched pieces of paper, and then laughed her head off with glee, like she was the most clever child. Oh the things babies will eat, it's disturbing. Grumpy girl, mad at me, even though SHE is the one who only took a 45 minute nap.
These are pics of Maggs and G'ma Peg. I just thought the first one was too cute, and we have so few pics of her with Gramma. Thanks Lana for these pics.

Just a cute little pic of Maggie and Jer at my sisters wedding in San Diego. Ok, cute of Jere, funny of Maggie.

Just a shot of my brothers and Dad, taken last summer in Greer. This was the only picture I had of my Dad. Good news, he's feeling better, so much so that he's going to the D-backs game tonight. My Mom doesn't know yet, and she won't be too pleased, 'cause it'll wear him out considerably, but I take it as a good sign that he even has the desire. Hooray for recovery.

Just a quick shout out to Mel. Thanks for always making comments on my blogs, it makes my day. And because i've been too lazy to comment on yours, LOVE the latest pic of Livy, she just looks so cute.

Well, I'd best get this workshop stuff done. Peace out my peeps!!


Andrea said...

Maggie is a cute little girl. Love her blue eyes - beautiful!

Tara L. Stradling said...

What a fun picture of your dad and bros. Haven't seen them in forever!

Mel said...

no comment :)

Greg and Tammy said...

I would HARDLY call blogging a WASTE of time! You are kindling relationships and maintaining a journal for your family posterity! :) (Ok Ok, I'm trying to help myself justify!)

Fun that Maggs and Emma have the same suit! Melanie Kirry bought Emma hers! So I guess you and Mel have impeccable taste! :)