Well, the brutal beast of sick is back in the ol' Van Pat house. I s'pose I should have been clued in to his return by the veritable fountain of green snot that started running non-stop out of Maggies nose on Monday. Or perhaps, just perhaps I SHOULD have listened to her when she told me a week ago that her ear hurt (but in my defense, she said it one time and never mentioned it again and never acted like anything was wrong at all). Or maybe I should have believed her when she started crying in the car out of nowhere and told me her tummy hurt.) UGH! Last night was spent with a wailing and unconsolable Maggie for well over an hour, refusing to go to sleep. In between sobs demanding "Mom, HO ME." "Daddddddy, I wan Daddddddy." As she has NEVER exhibited such behaviour or even cried longer than half hour before, this was new ground. Nothing we said, did or otherwise could or would help her. Finally at around 10:00, after a dose of Tylenol and lots of loving she layed down and fell asleep. That was not to last that long, 'cause Midnight came a knockin and so did her crying. She would cry out, "ow, ow, ow" and then "Mommy, or something else." I think I went in her room at least three times to comfort, give her something, hold her, talk to her, etc. Finally at 4:ish I gave her some more tylenol and at 5:ish she fell asleep. Of course I was s'posed to be getting up then for a swim, and of course, I didn't go. I was tooo tired, AND I knew I needed to take her to the doctor first thing, which meant I didn't have time for hair washing and doing. So, needless to say, called the doctor first thing, they got her in at 8:50 and wouldn't you know the diagnosis was........
Double Ear Infection AND we got to test for a UTI.
Ever seen how they get a urine sample from a baby in diapers? It's quite clever really. Think strong adhesive, little bag with an opening, attached to the hooty hoo and voila. Maggie was not a real fan of the bag, it was bothering her, and her peeing was bothering her more. On the upside, no sign of a real UTI, on the downside, something is not right. AND, I found out I was s'posed to be taking her for a pelvic ultrasound and an abdominal scan. I sort of forgot I was s'posed to do that, per orders of the Pediatric Ortho guy. Have I ever mentioned one of Maggies legs is shorter than the other? Yeah, I know, you all thought she was perfect in her beauty. Nope, she has a flaw. Left leg, TOTALLY shorter than the right. It doesn't seem to be hindering her in any way, other than to watch her run is hysterical. They did x-rays and can't find anything wrong, and don't know why there is the discrepancy, so he ordered these other tests to rule out cysts or something wierd like that. But, that is not my story right now.
So, new round of augmenton starting tonight. In the meantime, whiny, bawly, tragically sad Maggie to deal with. She woke up from her nap with green goopy eyes to boot. Sick is so awesome.
Did I mention Max has a creepy, rattly cough. Perfectly peachy in every other way, just coughing.
Why don't they mention in the ol' parenting handbook that you might as well just plan on your kids being sick from age birth to like 8. Just one constant round of antibiotics, sleepless nights, crying and misery. Oh yeah, they don't mention it 'cause ONE there is no stinkin handbook, and TWO, noone would have kids if they knew all the hideous truths.
All I have to say is, it's a good thing I love them so freaking much it hurts, AND that they're so utterly adorable. It makes these "tough" times just a little more bareable.
And with that said.....get thee hence you stupid, hideous, brutal beast of sick! I'm DONE with you!
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
3 days ago
I can't wait until Wyatt has an ear infection. :) He has been a bit congested these past two days so I have had to put the syringe to his nose which he hates. BTW...we have done the pee in a bag at the dr. It isn't fun! So sorry to hear that everyone is sick. Hope she and max get better soon...and you get some sleep!
Sorry about sickness visiting your house again. Isn't it fun when more than one kid is sick? I hope they get better soon and you and Jere stay healthy. :)
If this provides any solace little Brian was sick constantly, it seemed, until about 2. Ear tubes, and discovering he was allergic to eggs cured his two main illness producers. Now he is never sick and hasn't been for like 4 years! Hold on, the sicker they are as infants, often the healthier they are as they get older!
Welcome to the trenches. It will get better. Just wait till they're talking back!
I am going to strongly disagree with the comment that they grow out of the "sickness" stages about age 8! Some of my most memorable moments were when they were teenagers and sick: Erlnne fell off the hood of a car, subdural hemotoma and skull fracture and in a coma for two days, Lana flying home from EFY from San Antonio for emergency surgery on a cyst that was the size of her fist, and Staci going to the emergency room in San Antonio with the choir trip of food posioning from the chicken at Hard Rock Cafe. Give me the easy and simple ear infections, antibotics anyday!
Oh man I really resisted a little lol here. NOT because I'm happy that your kids are sick....It really made me sad yesterday to see Miss Maggie so miserable. But honestly.....I'd forgotten a little bit about what a complete and TOTAL sick wreck my life was for many years with 5 kiddies under 6 yrs. Pathetic. On the very up side....when they get older (and you take them to the cardiologist--Harrison heart murmur, or the ENT Jamyn tumor removed, or ER Breckyn broken back....they don't stay up all night crying. :-) You just hang out with them. Oh yeah, and listen to them to a little bit of sniveling. (It really is better) And sorry this is soooo uslessly long.
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