Ok peeps, I feel as if I need to set the record straight here. People have commented, asked questions, scolded, etc. on this whole binkies for Santa thing. Here is the deal. Maggie was HARDCORE, and by hardcore, I mean hardcore binkie addict. There was hardly a moment in a day that she didn't have that thing in her mouth. It was getting ridiculous, you couldn't understand her talk, she wouldn't smile at people, etc. So, we changed Maggie to binkies ONLY at bedtime about 7 months ago. It was a fairly painless transition. We started by snipping a little of her binkie off, which she was NOT fond of. However, after a very short amount of time she knew that she got it when she took a nap and went to bed at night. Sometimes she would be so desperate for it, she'd ask to go to bed, just so she could suck on it. Even that passed, and really, all was well in the land of milk and binkies. Genrally, as soon as she'd wake up she'd hand me her binkie and inform me that "nummies are only for bed." She even liked to boss Max around on the subject, pulling his out of his mouth and throwing it in the crib. However, in the last couple of weeks she seemed to make a real regression and was wanting it ALL the time. She'd come out of her bedroom with it still firmly in place and run from me when I asked for it. She was whining and crying for it, wanting it in the car, etc. I mean, it wasn't 24/7, but it was much more than usual. None the less, I was just fine letting her keep it for bedtime.
Here is the truth of the matter...It was her DADDY who decided that it was time to give it up completely. He's (firmly pointing the finger) the one who insisted that she give it up to Santa for good. So, my cyber friends (and real ones) place the blame on him, ok?!
But, for what it's worth, she is doing much better with the nap and bedtime. Hardly a sound out of her at naptime and minimal crying at bedtime. She is trying to be tricky and inform me that "No, she doesn't need her nummy, just a BINKY". 'Cause there is a difference see. hahahaha She's smart, I'll give her that.
Anyway, hope that clears up a little something for all interested parties. I have almost kept my sanity intact, and she's nearly past this, I think.
Binky dreams and milk wishes,
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
3 days ago
I thought the binkies for Santa thing was brilliant. Miss O never cared about binkies until her sister pulled into the station. We're still in the binkies only at bedtime thing. It is quite funny to watch her toss her "fire" (as she calls it) into her bed for fear of having to go back to bed.
I figure she'll give it up for good before she graduates high school. Now THAT would be embarassing. lol
A hardcore binky addict...FUNNY! You know I have a neice and nephew who are 16 and 17 now and they still suck their thumb. When they were younger I told their mom (my then SIL) to get them pacifiers before the thumb sucking takes over. She was a lazy mom and to this day the kids do it, but not when their friends are around. Maybe I should have bought them binkys ; P
Remember Binkies can be thrown away...a thumb can't...
Still upset about the Santa involvement. Santa is a good guy...doesn't take he gives....
ooxx Grandma Dar
I'm glad to hear it's getting better! I'm still dragging my feet on taking Brielle's away. I don't really want to, but I'm afraid the longer we wait, the worse it will be, so it would be better to get over with it now. Uggghhh. Dad's the one pushing it over here, too.
My suggestion, do it at 1 year, after that they are too attached! Brooklyn is soooo much worse at naptime if she doesn't have it! I'm a mommy that needs help with my 3rd! The only one to still have a binkie and sleep in our bed at night! She says her room is scary! what to do...what to do...
My suggestion, do it at 1 year, after that they are too attached! Brooklyn is soooo much worse at naptime if she doesn't have it! I'm a mommy that needs help with my 3rd! The only one to still have a binkie and sleep in our bed at night! She says her room is scary! what to do...what to do...
Glad things are going well for you again. I hope you didn't think I was giving you grief, I didn't mean it that way. Things are always much easier when the "extras" are gone and they can just go to sleep. We have Ellie who still sucks her thumb and has a blankie. She never looses her thumb, but we are forever searching for her blankie. Glad Happy Days are at the Van Patten's house agin.
Just answering your question: I have been a member all my life and just had a rough life. I grew up in the Compton projects but I graduated from a very good college and jsut didn't get it together until about 4 years ago. I have always kept my kids active which explains to people why they are very different from me. My husband converted 3 years ago but played football for BYU in college. Weird, huh??
Were all from LA but came here because of my job promotion by way of Anchorage at last stop = )
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