This is the story all about how my life got turned upsi....Oh wait,
I'm totally NOT the Fresh Prince of Bel Air here. Just got a little confused. Anyway..the story of how I won a blog giveaway.
There was this one day that I was just trolling about the blogosphere, picking random things to read. I'd recently joined "SITS" (look into it, totally cool) and noticed that there was a link or something to all the blogs doing giveaways. You know what the details are WAY foggy, and frankly, I hardly remember anymore. Point is, I went there, I clicked on a few of the giveaways and I happened to go to this girls blog. It was her first giveaway and she was giving away a number of different things. So, I gamely wrote a comment, saying I'd take the stroller please and left it at that. I mean for realsies, I NEVER win anything, so I didn't even give it a second thought. In fact, I completely forgot I even did it. Thank goodness Jennie commented on my post and told me I'd won, or I'd never have known to go back to hers and see that she'd written a post stating I'd WON!
Anywhozle, it was a total shock and a super fun surprise. I'm still waiting for it to arrive, and when I do, I'll be sure to take a proper pic with my cute son in it. In the meantime, it looks like this.
I chose grey, it seemed the most neutral at the time. Now that I'm thinking of it, I failed, and should have chosen orange, since it's Jers favorite color. Oh bad.
So there you have it, the quick little story on how I came to be a giveaway winner. You just never know people, you might as well enter.
Thanks Jennie for having the giveaway. You all can click on the link (and by link I mean, my blog title (I'm THE winner). Because I'm totally retarded and that is how it's linked. Seriously, someone teach me how to properly link STAT!) and check out her blog if you want.
Wheels and whimsy,
P.S. I know you're all totally just "dying" to hear about my Vegas trip and Easter and stuff. Never fret, it is on it's way. That could be tomorrow, or next month, we'll just see how I do in the next couple of days.
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
3 days ago
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am glad you enjoyed my little photo shoot! :)
Congrats on your win!
highlight the word or phrase you want to link then click on the green world with the paperclip looking link. then copy and paste the website/URL into that box and whala.
congrats you lucky girl!!
Nice, winning is the best! I wouldve picked gray too :)
How exciting! Congrats!!!
*from SITS
How fun for you! I have to say when I looked at the colors of the strollers orange was my pick! Jere must have good taste!
How fun for you! I have to say when I looked at the colors of the strollers orange was my pick! Jere must have good taste!
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