Friday, December 24, 2010

Before Tonight

Note: This is 4th new post today.  Don't miss out on the Christmas goodness.

Let me introduce you to a wonderful and amazing friend.  Everyone......

Meet ROB. 
The first time I ever saw Rob he was the lead in Crazy For You.  He blew my mind.  Then I got to work with him at our summer workshop and we've been great friends ever since.  He is RETARDED talented.  Incredible voice, ridiculous dancer, fab actor, amazing pianist, HYSTERICALLY funny, etc.  I really do have to wonder HOW I get so lucky for the friends that are in my life.

Oh wait, excuse me.
HERE is the real Rob.
Would have been real nice if he'd filled me in on making ugly faces.  So I don't look like a tool, all smiley while he makes THAT face.
He lives in L.A. and I don't get to see him enough in my life.

He wrote an InCREDIBLE Christmas Show called "Before Tonight" that is the telling of the Christmas Story in a pop, gospel way.  I wish I could properly explain it or do it justice.  Just know that it is really beautiful, and cool.

So, he decided to bring it "home" this year and perform it.  And I got to be part of the choir, along with my sisters, brother, brother in law and 2 nephews.  hee hee, I just love to say it out loud.  My silly family and all their singing ability.
Also really fun to see old friends I haven't seen in years and get to sing with them.  Hi you!

We had 2 rehearsals and then performed it twice.  The first night, not knowing what to really expect, I was literally blown away.  The soloists were phenomenal and the songs so cool and amazing.  I actually just busted out crying in the middle of one song.  And let me let you in on a little secret.  I am NOT easily moved.  I sort of have a cold black heart and generally never cry at music.  But, something in this was so beautiful, so amazing and so harmonically mind blowing I just couldn't help myself.  When we finished the audience lliterally jumped to their feet and clapped uncontrollably. 

I felt so blessed and so lucky to be part of yet another amazing new(er) work, and to have the friends I have.  And I'm thankful that being in this really helped me get some Christmas spirit.

So, because I love you all, I had Julie record the Shepherds song.  Why?  Because it is so freaking fun and amazing and fabulous.  It's a little long, but I promise it's great.  My brother is on the far left and my bro. in law is on far right (he's the high tenor practically singing soprano).  If you watch and look at me in the background...for the record I totally felt like I was so smiling, because I loved it so much.  Unfortunately I look like I'm smirking or grimacing.  Clearly, the curse of the frownie face strikes again.

Are you sort of dying over that gorgeous organ?  I know!

Ok, and also, a MUCH smaller clip.  This is my genious friend Rob singing his big solo and our wee choir backing him up.

May your days be Merry and Bright,


Catch ya on the flipside people.  Enjoy your Christmas eve/day.  Hope it's great for all of you.


larainydays said...

I loved the music. Thanks for sharing it! Have a wonderful Christmas.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Very nice.

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Sandra said...

I couldn't listen to the videos because I have a kid sleeping beside me right now. But Rob does seem RETARDED TALENTED! it wrong that I hate him...a little?...ok, I don't. And he's very easy on the eyes. And you are beautiful. So all in all, I feel very satisfied by this post :)
Happy holidays, see you on the flip side for sure.